Cariboo Honey

Well Balanced Lager: Slightly malty with some residual sweetness and a crisp, clean finish

Our Cariboo Honey Lager is first and foremost a beer that will please the typical beer drinker. Second, it contributes additional resources to our Reforestation Program that is fighting pine beetles and forest fires harder and harder by the day. The beer itself is made with the same raw ingredients as our classic recipe but we add real BC honey from the Cariboo region to the brew. With the success of our Genuine Draft the Honey Lager is an excellent addition to the family and the beer itself is a crowd pleaser!


The Cariboo Honey Lager has a hint of honey that gives the beer a nice body and it will leave with you with a pleasantly warm and smooth finish that has little residual sweetness and goes very well with the Cariboo Brewing philosophy. We did not want to create a beer that was too sweet or that had an overbearing honey flavor.

  • Available in BC and AB
  • Alcohol Volume: 5.5 %
  • Calories : 160
  • Product Pack Availability:
    6 X 3555 ML
    15 X 35 ML

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